General Attitude of Guys
It’s common here to greet people although you don’t know them. It’s also easy to start a conversation with strangers. (Well of course if you can speak German) But generally, Germans are friendly.
However, although Germans are friendly, they are not flirty. They are warm and nice in welcoming strangers but they will keep behaving in polite manners. So for example, if a girl asking about an address or destination to a guy, he will answer it as it has asked. The guy might help her like taking her to the destination, but surely he won’t take a chance to flirt on her. In Indonesia, for the same situation, the guy will surely ask why the girl want to go there. And most likely, ask for the girl’s phone number as an excuse to make sure that the girl can reach to the destination safely.
If a guy meets an attractive girl in the street or public places, he will just look but won’t do anything further. So a girl here can walk alone peacefully. In Indonesia, if there’s a girl walking alone, then surely when she pass a group of man, she’ll be asked where to go or another kind of saying to attract the girl’s attention. Singing is also one of the ways in attracting the girl’s attention.
From the girl’s point of view: It’s nice that girl can walk alone peacefully, but then we don’t know how’s our rating to the guys here ;)
Regular Places to Find Somebody
Since Germans are not so flirty in the streets, so now you might be wondering when and where they can be flirty. Well, the answer is in the bars, pubs, clubs, and discos. These kinds of places. It seems that these places are designed to meet new people and to make new relationship, so once you go there, the chance to get phone number from attractive guys is bigger.
Although Germans are not flirty in the public places, and clubs etc. are the most common place to start a new relationship, of course there’re also some exceptions. If you are lucky, there’re some guys who willing to take a chance in giving their contact details to a stranger girl in the bus station or train. The later has happened to me. And as a part of my cultural learning program, I contact him to experience German social life. It turns out that he’s smart and a nice partner for discussion. We remain good friend up until now.
Why is there only 1 shot for dating?
You'd better impress a hot 1st winter, at least :))
Wow, your experiences and comparisons with the West were very similar to mine
Alb girl in Canada
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