Maybe I have said this before. But it doesn’t matter I will say it again. I feel very blessed to have an opportunity living in Germany. It was an extraordinary adventure which I will not forget for the rest of my life. I will not forget my friends, because they are my family there; and I even have considered some of them as my brothers and sisters. Again, I am very blessed because now I have family and friends from many corners of the world.
Even this blog had brought me some new friends and family. I thank you all the readers especially for those who doesn’t know me in the beginning. Thanks for all the warm regards, comments, supports, and of course, friendship.
But my adventure in Germany is over now; and life goes on. It is time for me to start something new; it is time to start a new adventure in a new place. And after getting lazy for 2.5 months; well also getting nerve-wracking in waiting for the new job; I will start my new adventure this December.
I will work in a city called Tanjung Redeb. This city is the capital city of Berau District in East Borneo. I will work on marine conservation issues in Derawan Archipelago which is a place for sea turtle sanctuary and unharmed jellyfish. For those who want to follow my new adventure, just go to Adventure Berau.
C U there! :)
hohoho balik maning ke Indonesia yah.. Welcome to Nice Indonesia ehe siap nonton SLANK lagi
Wow! what an idea ! What a concept ! Beautiful .. Amazing …
Hi,..i'm came from Indonesia...
Great Blog,.nice to meet u...may i be u'r friend..
Support at lifestyle on the net
Hi! Nice meeting u 2! Of course u can b my friend :)
Seeing these kind of posts reminds me of just how technology truly is undeniably integral to our lives in this day and age, and I am 99% certain that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further advances, the possibility of uploading our brains onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could encounter in my lifetime.
(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i Card[/url] DS KwZa)
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- Robson
Yeah its nice to be at warm place when its winter in europe.
oh god this is sooo old from 2010 !
I'm so late but here goes:
I'm a sophomore in high school currently from the U.S. and dream to live in germany and have an amazing breathtaking adventure and maybe live there? I love this country...
Gahh, I don't even know why I suddenly have this undying urge to belong to this country but, I can't help this!
All I really want is to so badly, terribly, and (ugh) desperately, just want to go even though I don't know anything about this country lol! I just met someone from Germany and well, ever since obsessively believe that it's meant to be my home...
this sounds crazy...and yes, I know, my feelings on the country are totally based on this person...
but, at least I can try? Maybe it's a sign from God. Maybe there my life will find meaning? I'll meet the one? I'll find myself?
Well, anyways good luck to you and all your endeavors. You are obviously more motivated and intelligent than me... since you followed your mind going to Germany for school...and not for a school girl fantasy...
It was an amazing inspiring blog and I wish you the best as you transcend into the next stage of life...the ultimate
Good Luck,
xoxo Elle
Hi Elle!
Thanks for the sharing and compliment:) Well, Germany is surely a special country. I try to go back there again...
Hopefully we both can go, live, and experiencing Germany soon!
Good luck :)
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I have never seen better than this site.
Thanks for the appreciation :)
Mbaakkk...out of the blue, I went to your site...Apakah ide yang bagus untuk mulai menulis di blog setelah artikel pertama dimuat di majalah, mengikuti jejak idolaku? :)
Dear Pungky,
Tentu saja kau harus mulai menulis blog bila ada kesempatan. Yg penting harus terus di-update. You'll be surprise on how it becomes...
Selamat memulai ya :)
I like this site^-^
Dear, Mbak Asti.
Such a blessing for me to find your blog. Kenalkan, Aku Sheyka, aku pengeeen banget kuliah di Jerman suatu saat nanti. Kebetulan aku ambil jurusan Biologi di kuliahku sekarang (semester 5) dan aku cukup ngerti dengan cerita Mbak tentang perkuliahan. Pengen rasanya kayak Mbak yang ambil jurusan terkait alam, dan kerja seperti Mbak di konservasi.
Mbak Asti, aku pengen nanya-nanya banyak banget nih tentang studi di Jerman. Boleh minta alamat email Mbak, nggak? Thanks :)
Hi Saket & Raj!
Thanks for your positive comments :)
hi to all www.surviving-germany.blogspot.comers this is my first post and thought i would say hi -
thanks speak soon
g moore
Hi G Moore!
Thx for the shout. Feel free to drop your comments but not spam ;)
its really very nice information to read it out as i like the way you written this post .....\
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