It’s all started about 1.5-2 months ago. I got information that Slank is invited to have concerts in Holland for an annual Indonesia festival in May. After hearing this, I start to provoke Indonesian students in Bremen to arrange Slank concert in Germany. Fortunately, there’s one guy who commit to do it. (How’s that for a provocateur work?! Nice, isn’t it?!)
So there it is. Slank will have a concert in Hamburg Germany on May 30th 2008. Hamburg is chosen because it’s easier to access from other cities rather than Bremen. For watching the concert, I plan to go with Simon, my tandem partner in learning German language. He joined an exchange program to Indonesia, so he kno
But then, there’s another friend of Simon, Sonia, who also wants to come along. But the 300 tickets available are sold out already. So the chance for her to watch it, is not so promising. But we just go and see whether it’ll work or not.
Me and
When we are waiting, then I see Massto, the brother of Slank drummer and also the band tour manager. Spontaneously, I come to him and greet him as we haven’t seen each other for a long time. After saying hi and a bit chit chat, I ask him for extra ticket. When he knows the problem, he advices me to give my ticket to Sonia, while I can go through backstage with him!!! Oh My God….!!! That’s soooo cool!!! So it pays to become a fan;)
So that’s it. Problem solved and I go to backstage. There, I am warmly welcomed by Bunda, the mother of the drummer who also the band manager, and the whole gang. I am so touched. It feels like I met my family. I feel surprised that Bimbim (drummer), Kaka (vocal), and Ivan (bassist) still remember me. These three are somehow the closest ones to me from the whole five members of the band.
After sometime, then Ivan wondering whether I can hold his handycam and record the show. At first, I am not so sure because I don’t think I could make a good video while jumping around and singing loudly during concert. But Ivan persuades me, so then I get an idea to give the task to Simon. Beside, he is tall so basically he can shoot the video without getting interrupted by people heads. And apparently, my decision is right. Simon is so proud to do his task. He even kinda showing off it to other audiences…! ;)
The show is opened by Sandy Sandhoro, an Indonesian guy who becomes a finalist of singing competition in one of the German TV stations. And in around 10PM, Slank takes over the stage! People are just screaming hysterically to welcome them. It’s so so insane!!!
I really enjoy the whole show because everybody is just sing along loudly, screaming, jumping, moshing. Non stop! It’s so crazy, everybody ends up in heavy sweating as the café is a closed air one. Later on, Kaka admits that the Hamburg concert is the most awesome one during their current European tour! And what I love the most is no fighting or even riot; and no harassment! That’s very important because in Indonesia, guys will take advantage in concert situation to touch girls. But here, no. Not at a
After the concert, I go to backstage again to return Ivan’s handycam with Simon and Jan. Sonia goes home str

I come back to Bremen in Saturday noon, feeling blessed. It’s a perfect weather, perfect band, perfect atmosphere, and perfect satisfaction. Slank rocks!
For videos, please visit
Hey Asti,
for your correction and fairness to my crew:
"Fortunately, there’s one guy who commit to do it...."
- first of all, it was not a guy. Second, there was a whole bunch of people involved. That should be mentioned, because those people worked hard on the realization.
But thank you for writing about the concert.
Thanks for the correction :) Yeah, I didn't mean to neglect the team. I just try to explain the chronology how the concert was initiated. But probably my English isn't good enough. I congratulate and salute you all for organizing this amazing concert!
lam knl mbak asty... sory i cant speak english... so pakai bhs indonesia saja yach...
gue slankers juga...lam knal yach!!!
beruntung donk mbak asty bisa denger lagu slank internasional lebih dulu.. gwe udh gak sabar niy nungguin album nya...
oya alamat friendster gwe :
ato blog gwe:
lam PLUR slalu... pisss
i´m gina and i´m from germany! i also looove slank,their music is just awesome and reminds me of my time in indonesia =) i´m so sad that i´ve missed the concerts here in germany somehow =( do you know if they will be in germany again? i really hope you´ll write me an answer to my e-mail adress:
thanks a lot and keep rocking ;-)
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